Daniel crossed his arms and leaned against his industrial looking desk. “I want to know a couple of things.”
I sat criss cross applesauce, eyeing him from feet to head. He really was a good looking guy, even though had dark circles under his eyes and a five o’clock shadow covering his chiseled chin. When my eyes finally settled on his face, it was his turn to raise an eyebrow. “Relax, you’re not my type,” I muttered.
“I was last night.”
“That was for survival.”
“Riiiight…so, can I ask a couple of questions?”
“Because you know my name and where I work and I know absolutely nothing about you.” I opened my mouth to speak but he held up a finger to silence me. “Knowing you’re a vampire doesn’t count.”
I rolled my eyes. I don’t know what happened from this morning to now but he was really demanding tonight. “What do you want to know?”
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